Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First entry for 2010... (>_<)

I just realized my last blog post was on May 2009... @_@ That's almost a year ago!!!

Well... It just shows how busy I have been... T-T and still am.

Our exams have been going crazier and crazier by the week...

I actually don't have much to talk about... So I'll just post the picture of my beloved stuffed toy Chip, who (haha I know it's not a living being but I'd just like to call it like one) gives me a feeling of comfort when I come home and rest in my bedroom. ^_^

I'll post more often this year... I hope. ^^

1 comment:

  1. haha unsa nalang tawn ko my last post was like january 2009 XD LOLOLOL

    I'm making my blogspot a sketch blog same with my livejournal account :)


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