Sunday, October 12, 2008

First entry~ But I'm gonna RANT!!!

I'm sooooooooooo freakin' tired of studying!!!!!
I feel so bad coz I study so hard yet I fail... T-T
My teachers, friends, and mom tell me I should never think negatively... But what can I do??? I always rise and try again, just to fall yet again!!!

It really really hurts me...

And now I'm really scared...

But I really really have to study...

Have you ever tried this: You are trying so hard to study but NOTHING gets into your head. NOTHING. You know you need to read a lot and remember a lot but you just CAN'T. You try to loosen up, relax a bit and go back to studying, but the same thing happens. You just look at the clock showing you HOURS have passed and only a FEW HOURS are left for you to study BUT YOU JUST CAN'T CONCENTRATE!!!

I really don't know.

I'll just do my best tonight!!

It's finals week! I'm sure there will be a rainbow after the storm!